Happy Lunchtimes

Happy Lunchtimes

Lunchtime is a valuable time when children can enjoy physical activities and improve their personal, social and emotional development. At Newchurch, we are committed to ensuring that lunchtime is a positive, enjoyable and engaging time of the day.

Our wonderful midday assistants, accompanied by our Sports Leaders, plan a variety of activities for the children each day with a view to ensuring that over the week there has been something that appeals to all children.  Such activities include:

  • chalking
  • making paper aeroplanes
  • outside disco
  • traditional games
  • skipping games
  • target practice
  • football
  • parachute play
Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL)
This year, we will be engaging with OPAL to develop our outdoor play and learning.  Children, staff, parents and governors will be involved in the project which will transform the children's unstructured time in school.