Supporting Children's Health Needs

Chat Health
Chat Health is an anonymous, safe and secure messaging system, where School Nurses provide confidential help and advice for young people (aged 11-19) and for parents of children (0-19).  
Chat Health can be contacted in the following ways:
  • Parents and carers of children aged 5-19  07480 635944
  • Young people aged 11-19   07507 330101
Please scan the QR code for further details,

Healthier Families Warrington – Warrington’s 0-19 service healthy lifestyle services for children, young people and families - Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is delivering a digital healthy weight 8 week programme for three different ages:

  1.        Under 5’s
  2.        Primary school children
  3.        Secondary school children

Each week will have a goal, a PowerPoint on that week’s theme, an exercise video demonstrating a simple exercise for that week, links to recipes, BDA fact sheets etc and an activity for the week – guess which drink has the highest amount of sugar etc.


The programme is the same format for all ages but will have different content based on the different ages.



Week 1 – Intro to programme. Vitamins/Milk. Fussy Eating -Home

Week 2 – 5 main food groups.  Portion sizes - Home

Week 3 – Healthy Balanced diet.  Fast food v fresh food - Online

Week 4 – Reading food labels - Online

Week 5 – Sugars/Fats - Online

Week 6 – Mealtimes - Online

Week 7 – Oral Health - Online

Week 8 – Measurements, review and assess – Home

Each week will have a goal, a PowerPoint on that week’s theme, an exercise video demonstrating a simple exercise for that week, links to recipes, BDA fact sheets etc and an activity for the week – guess which drink has the highest amount of sugar etc.

Rolling programme accessible 52 weeks a year with minimal wait time.

Children and families can be referred by their GP and other health professionals using existing 0-19 referral processes or parents can self-refer into via e mail to