Parent Partnership Policy

Developing parent partnership through the LPPA Objectives can help schools and settings to meet a number of longer-term success criteria including:

  •   Improved punctuality, attendance and behaviour
  •   Improved pupil or student progress
  •   Increased parental involvement in consultation events and learning activities
  •   Increased number and range of parents actively involved with the school

After consultation with parents, we have created a Parent Partnership Policy to enhance and promote our commitment to LPPA.

Parent Partnership Policy

Both home and school want the best for children in our care. Parents want them to have the best opportunities so that they can become successful and happy members of the community. Newchurch Primary School wants to provide pupils with the environment and support they need to achieve all their ambitions. Effective partnership between home and school is key to these aspirations. Parents and carers are the most important influence in a child’s life, and the school needs to listen to and communicate with parents effectively to build the trust and understanding needed for pupils to achieve their best. Any educational initiative can only be fully effective if there is partnership between parents, children and school.
At Newchurch Primary School we recognise the importance of and value parental involvement in the everyday life of the school. We want to develop a close relationship with parents that supports and encourages their children to be the best that they can be. We believe that education is a collaborative enterprise involving amongst others, parents, staff and children. We are therefore committed to establishing and maintaining an effective and purposeful working relationship between the school and home.

Aims of the Policy

1. To support pupils to achieve the highest standards through closer partnerships between home and school.
2. To involve parents fully in school life and the school community.
3. To ensure that all staff, governors and parents are able to support the pupils’ development effectively at all stages of their school life at Newchurch Primary school.
4. To develop good communication with parents by operating an ‘Open Door’ policy where parents can speak to the teachers before and after school, which encourages the fullest possible two way communication between staff and parents.
5. To provide an environment inclusive of all parents and their children, regardless of need, background or culture.

To develop good communication and fully inform parents about what is happening in school we will:

✓ Hold a range of induction events for parents of children starting their school life at Newchurch Primary.

ü  EYFS hold transition meetings, visits to nurseries and parental conferences before their school life at Newchurch.

ü   Make letters, school website and key policies “user friendly”, useful and informative.

ü  Provide workshops to enable parents to navigate around the school website.

✓ Provide a regular and up-to-date information service through Friday News, text messages, emails and school website.
✓To hold meetings to discuss evaluate and update Individual Educational Plans/ individual language plans for children with additional needs.
✓ Provide weekly newsletters to inform parents of upcoming events and celebrate achievements.
✓Regularly updated class information informing parents of their child’s curriculum on the school website.
✓ Hold a parents’ consultation meeting in the Autumn Term and in the Spring Term.
✓ Provide parents with advance notice of all school events and dates within the academic year on Friday news, with up-dates as appropriate.
✓To actively involve parents in the celebration of pupil success.
✓ Promote systems of active communication between home and school.
✓To regularly review the Home-School Agreement to take account of parental views, and communicate it regularly and clearly.


To actively involve parents in the education and progress of their child we will:

✓ Offer two formal parents’ consultations for each class each year.
✓ Send annual reports at the end of each year.
✓ Provide regular opportunities to extend pupils’ learning at home.
✓ Operate a reading record book between home and school.
✓ Invite parents into school to share and celebrate achievements.

✓ EYFS open the school doors 10 minutes early every morning to enable a smooth transition.
✓ Celebration events held at the end of each term to celebrate success.
✓To set home/ school homework tasks to involve parents fully in their child’s learning.
✓To hold individual meetings held with a range of staff.

 To make good use of parents’ expertise and willingness to enhance their own learning and that of their child and other children and to actively involve them in school life we will encourage parents to:

✓ Volunteer to support within classrooms and/or become parent governors.
✓ Attend Open Classroom / celebration events
✓To attend a variety of school led events eg: coffee mornings.
✓ Attend school performances, events, assemblies and celebrations.
✓ Become involved in school projects.
✓ Participate in Family Learning events organised by the school.
✓ Join or support the school’s Parents’ and Teachers’ Association. (PTA)
✓ Use opportunities to have informal discussions with staff members.
✓ Play an active role in parent board.
✓ Take part in Parents workshops/ Adult learning courses / EAL support groups
✓ Support parents and carers with attendance issues.

To establish the views and opinions of parents we will:

✓ Conduct an annual parental questionnaire and inform parents of the results
✓ Ask parents to evaluate key events in school.
✓ Seek parental consultation on key issues in school.
✓ Encourage parents to review key policies

The school will regularly seek parental views on a range of topics affecting pupils’ education through questionnaires, surveys and verbal discussion. Feedback is valued, and responses will be seriously considered and actioned where appropriate and in pupils’ best interests.